All educational models are rooted in philosophies about life, truth, childhood and learning. One cannot explain the differences between educational alternatives and mainstream schooling without examining the underlying worldviews and assumptions.
Education is about philosophical questions such as 'What is knowledge? What is learning? How do we learn? What is the meaning of life? What do we need to educate children for? What is important in life?' Alternatives in education are essentially different from mainstream schooling - at least in theory - in the way they would answer the questions mentioned above, how they approach students and in the way they resolve conflicts.
Types of Education
- Transmission: banking model
- Transaction: Pragmatic problem solving, critical thinking
- Transformation: Holistic education f.e. Steiner, Krishnamurti, Montessori, Tekos, Freire
- Self-direction: Sudbury, Summerhill & unschooling (Ivan Illich - André Stern)
Types of Schools
- Self-directed Education
- Homeschooling, Unschooling & Deschooling f.e. André Stern
- Democratic and Free Schools
- Paulo Freire Pedagogy
- Introduction to Montessori
- Waldorf Schools
- Introduction to Krishnamurti education