Today we live in a world of crises, or challenges in need of an update. Next to the economic, the ecological and the spiritual crisis, there is a huge social crisis in which 'governance' plays an important role. The link with government is easily made, but we forget governance happens everywhere. Wherever people need to come to a decision, you practice governance.
To change the world we need to start with ourselves, so the best move we can make is to exercise and experiment with different ways of decision making. We can all try this out in our families, friendships, in classrooms, in team gatherings and wherever decisions are made together.
Which decision making processes include everybody, give each a voice and make collaborating easier and more effective? Here is a list of progressive videos about governance methods that are now conquering the world.
Consciousness & Organisations
Sociocracy or Dynamic Governance
Self-organisation and holacracy
Learning from Enspiral